Put this file in /layouts/shortcodes/gallery.html
Documentation and licence at https://github.com/liwenyip/hugo-easy-gallery/
<!-- count how many times we've called this shortcode; load the css if it's the first time -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href={{ "css/hugo-easy-gallery.css" | relURL }} />
{{ $baseURL := .Site.BaseURL }}
<div class="gallery caption-position-{{ with .Get "caption-position" | default "bottom" }}{{.}}{{end}} caption-effect-{{ with .Get "caption-effect" | default "slide" }}{{.}}{{end}} hover-effect-{{ with .Get "hover-effect" | default "zoom" }}{{.}}{{end}} {{ if ne (.Get "hover-transition") "none" }}hover-transition{{end}}" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageGallery">
	{{- with (.Get "dir") -}}
		<!-- If a directory was specified, generate figures for all of the images in the directory -->
		{{- $files := readDir (print "/static/" .) }}
		{{- range $files -}}
			<!-- skip files that aren't images, or that include the thumb suffix in their name -->
			{{- $thumbext := $.Get "thumb" | default "-thumb" }}
			{{- $isthumb := .Name | findRE ($thumbext | printf "%s\\.") }}<!-- is the current file a thumbnail image? -->
			{{- $isimg := lower .Name | findRE "\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png|bmp|webp|avif|jxl)" }}<!-- is the current file an image? -->
			{{- if and $isimg (not $isthumb) }}
				{{- $caption :=  .Name | replaceRE "\\..*" "" | humanize }}<!-- humanized filename without extension -->
				{{- $linkURL := print $baseURL ($.Get "dir") "/" .Name | absURL }}<!-- absolute URL to hi-res image -->
				{{- $thumb := .Name | replaceRE "(\\.)" ($thumbext | printf "%s.") }}<!-- filename of thumbnail image -->
				{{- $thumbexists := where $files "Name" $thumb }}<!-- does a thumbnail image exist? --> 
				{{- $thumbURL := print $baseURL ($.Get "dir") "/" $thumb | absURL }}<!-- absolute URL to thumbnail image -->
				<div class="box">
				  <figure itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject">
				    <div class="img" style="background-image: url('{{ if $thumbexists }}{{ $thumbURL }}{{ else }}{{ $linkURL }}{{ end }}');" >
				      <img itemprop="thumbnail" src="{{ if $thumbexists }}{{ $thumbURL }}{{ else }}{{ $linkURL }}{{ end }}" alt="{{ $caption }}" /><!-- <img> hidden if in .gallery -->
		          <p>{{ $caption }}</p>
				    <a href="{{ $linkURL }}" itemprop="contentUrl"></a><!-- put <a> last so it is stacked on top -->
			{{- end }}
		{{- end }}
	{{- else -}}
		<!-- If no directory was specified, include any figure shortcodes called within the gallery -->
	  {{ .Inner }}
	{{- end }}