<!-- Put this file in /layouts/shortcodes/figure.html NB this overrides Hugo's built-in "figure" shortcode but is backwards compatible Documentation and licence at https://github.com/liwenyip/hugo-easy-gallery/ --> <!-- count how many times we've called this shortcode; load the css if it's the first time --> {{- if not ($.Page.Scratch.Get "figurecount") }}<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/hugo-easy-gallery.css" />{{ end }} {{- $.Page.Scratch.Add "figurecount" 1 -}} <!-- use either src or link-thumb for thumbnail image --> {{- $thumb := .Get "src" | default (printf "%s." (.Get "thumb") | replace (.Get "link") ".") }} <div class="box{{ with .Get "caption-position" }} fancy-figure caption-position-{{.}}{{end}}{{ with .Get "caption-effect" }} caption-effect-{{.}}{{end}}" {{ with .Get "width" }}style="max-width:{{.}}"{{end}}> <figure {{ with .Get "class" }}class="{{.}}"{{ end }} itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject"> <div class="img"{{ if .Parent }} style="background-image: url('{{ $thumb | relURL }}');"{{ end }}{{ with .Get "size" }} data-size="{{.}}"{{ end }}> <img itemprop="thumbnail" src="{{ $thumb | relURL }}" {{ with .Get "alt" | default (.Get "caption") }}alt="{{.}}"{{ end }}/><!-- <img> hidden if in .gallery --> </div> {{ with .Get "link" | default (.Get "src") }}<a href="{{.}}" itemprop="contentUrl"></a>{{ end }} {{- if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr")}} <figcaption> {{- with .Get "title" }}<h4>{{.}}</h4>{{ end }} {{- if or (.Get "caption") (.Get "attr")}} <p> {{- .Get "caption" -}} {{- with .Get "attrlink"}}<a href="{{.}}">{{ .Get "attr" }}</a>{{ else }}{{ .Get "attr"}}{{ end -}} </p> {{- end }} </figcaption> {{- end }} </figure> </div>