
391 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2022-11-04 18:30:02 +01:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
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2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
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2022-11-04 18:30:02 +01:00
<title>Content Manager</title>
<!-- Include the script that builds the page and powers Static CMS -->
2022-12-22 18:39:01 +01:00
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2022-11-04 18:30:02 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
CMS.registerIcon('home', ({}) => { return(h('i', {"className": "fa fa-house"})); });
CMS.registerIcon('settings', ({}) => { return(h('i', {"className": "fa fa-gear"})); });
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CMS.registerIcon('book', ({}) => { return(h('i', {"className": "fa fa-book"})); });
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CMS.registerIcon('graduation-cap', ({}) => { return(h('i', {"className": "fa fa-graduation-cap"})); });
CMS.registerIcon('info', ({}) => { return(h('i', {"className": "fa fa-circle-info"})); });
const CustomPage = () => {
return h('div', {}, 'I am a custom page!');
id: 'info',
title: 'Informationen',
data: CustomPage,
options: {
icon: 'info',
2022-12-15 18:45:01 +01:00
2022-12-15 21:10:36 +01:00
CMS.registerShortcode('gallery', {
label: 'Gallery',
openTag: '{{< ',
closeTag: ' >}}',
separator: ' ',
toProps: args => {
if (args.length > 0) {
var dir = args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('dir='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? '';
return { dir: dir };
return { dir: '' };
toArgs: ({ dir }) => {
return [`dir=\"${dir}\"`];
control: ({ dir, onChange }) => {
return h('div', {"className": "row", "style": { border: "1px solid #ccc", borderRadius: "16px", padding: "10px" }},
h('b', {}, "Gallerie-Ordner: "),
h('input', {
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value: dir,
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onChange({ dir: event.target.value });
preview: ({ dir }) => {
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h('b', {}, "Gallerie-Ordner: "),
h('span', {}, dir));
2022-12-15 21:10:36 +01:00
CMS.registerShortcode('load-photoswipe', {
label: 'Gallerie-Servicemodul',
openTag: '{{< ',
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toArgs: () => {
control: () => {
return h('div', {"className": "row", "style": { border: "1px solid #ccc", borderRadius: "16px", padding: "10px" }},
h('b', {}, "Gallerie-Servicemodul"));
preview: () => {
2022-12-15 21:10:36 +01:00
2022-11-04 18:30:02 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:30:41 +01:00
var ChronikPreview = ({widgetFor, entry }) => {
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
const divStyle = {
backgroundImage: 'url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png"),url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png")',
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h('section', {"className": "page-title-section overlay", "style": divStyle},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "col-md-8"},
h('ul', {"className": "list-inline custom-breadcrumb"},
2022-12-15 18:45:01 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('a', {"className": "text-primary font-secondary", href: ""}, "Schulchronik")),
2022-12-15 18:45:01 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h("i", {"className": "fa-solid fa-angle-right text-white"})),
2022-12-15 18:45:01 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item text-white h2 font-secondary"}, entry.data.title)
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('section', {"className": "section-sm"},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "row"},
2022-11-05 14:38:16 +01:00
h('div', {"className": "col-12 mb-4 content"}, widgetFor('body'))
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:30:41 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:33:57 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("schulchronik", ChronikPreview);
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
var PostPreviewContent = ({widgetFor, entry}) => {
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
const divStyle = {
backgroundImage: 'url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png"),url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png")',
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h('section', {"className": "page-title-section overlay", "style": divStyle},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "col-md-8"},
h('ul', {"className": "list-inline custom-breadcrumb"},
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
h('a', {"className": "text-primary font-secondary", href: ""}, "Startseite")),
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h("i", {"className": "fa-solid fa-angle-right text-white"})),
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item text-white h2 font-secondary"}, entry.data.title)
h('p', {"className": "text-lighten"}, entry.data.description
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('section', {"className": "section-sm"},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "row"},
h('div', {"className": "col-12 mb-4"},
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('div', {"className": "content"}, widgetFor('body'))
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("impressum", PostPreviewContent);
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("datenschutz", PostPreviewContent);
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("schuelerrat-geschaeftsordnung", PostPreviewContent);
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("schuelervertretung-index", PostPreviewContent);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("elternvertretung-index", PostPreviewContent);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("jia-index", PostPreviewContent);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("bibo", PostPreviewContent);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("abiturienten", PostPreviewContent);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("cantorfora", PostPreviewContent);
2022-12-15 18:45:01 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("contact-index", PostPreviewContent);
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
var AnmeldungPreviewContent = ({widgetsFor, widgetFor, entry}) => {
const divStyle = {
backgroundImage: 'url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png"),url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png")',
return h('div', {},
h('section', {"className": "page-title-section overlay", "style": divStyle},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "col-md-8"},
h('ul', {"className": "list-inline custom-breadcrumb"},
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
h('a', {"className": "text-primary font-secondary", href: ""}, "Startseite")),
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
h("i", {"className": "fa-solid fa-angle-right text-white"})),
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item text-white h2 font-secondary"}, entry.data.title)
h('p', {"className": "text-lighten"}, entry.data.description
h('section', {"className": "section-sm"},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "row mb-5"},
h('div', {"className": "col-md-6 content"},
h('div', {"className": "row"},
widgetsFor('elements').map(function(element, index) {
return h('div', {"className": "col-lg-4 col-sm-6 mb-4"},
h('div', {"className": "card rounded-0 hover-shadow border-top-0 border-left-0 border-right-0"},
h('div', {"className": "card-body"},
h('h4', {"className": "card-title mb-3"},
h('div', {"className": "content"},
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("anmeldung-index", AnmeldungPreviewContent);
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
var EventPreview = ({widgetsFor, entry}) => {
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
const divStyle = {
backgroundImage: 'url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png"),url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png")',
return h('div', {},
h('section', {"className": "page-title-section overlay", "style": divStyle},
h('div', {"className": "row"},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "col-md-8"},
h('ul', {"className": "list-inline custom-breadcrumb"},
2022-12-15 18:45:01 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('a', {"className": "text-primary font-secondary", href: ""}, "Startseite")
2022-12-15 18:45:01 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h("i", {"className": "fa-solid fa-angle-right text-white"})
2022-12-15 18:45:01 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item text-white h2 font-secondary"}, entry.data.title
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('p', {"className": "text-lighten"}, entry.data.description)
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('section', {"className": "section"},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "row"},
h('div', {"className": "col-12 "},
h('ul', {"className": "list-unstyled"},
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
widgetsFor('events').map(function(event, index) {
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
return h('li', {"className": "d-md-table mb-4 w-100 border-bottom hover-shadow"},
2022-12-15 18:45:01 +01:00
h('div', {"className": "d-md-table-cell text-center p-4 bg-primary text-white mb-4 mb-md-0 termin-tc"},
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('span', {"className": "h2 d-block"}, new Intl.DateTimeFormat('de-De', { day: 'numeric'}).format(new Date(event.data.date))),
new Intl.DateTimeFormat('de-De', { month: 'short', year: 'numeric' }).format(new Date(event.data.date))
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('div', {"className": "d-md-table-cell px-4 vertical-alighn-middle mb-4 mb-md-0"},
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('p', {"className": "h4 mb-3 d-block"}, event.data.title),
h('p', {"className": "mb-0"}, event.data.summary)
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('div', {"className": "d-md-table-cell text-right pr-0 pr-md-4"},
h('p', {},
h('i', {"className": "fa-solid fa-location-dot text-primary mr-2"}),
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("event-index", EventPreview);
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
var PagePreview = ({widgetFor, entry}) => {
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
const divStyle = {
backgroundImage: 'url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png"),url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png")',
return h('div', {},
h('section', {"className": "page-title-section overlay", "style": divStyle},
h('div', {"className": "row"},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "col-md-8"},
h('ul', {"className": "list-inline custom-breadcrumb"},
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('a', {"className": "text-primary font-secondary", href: ""}, "Startseite")
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h("i", {"className": "fa-solid fa-angle-right text-white"})
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item text-white h2 font-secondary"}, entry.data.title
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('p', {"className": "text-lighten"}, entry.data.description)
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("blog-index", PagePreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("cantorpreis-index", PagePreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("forms-index", PagePreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("ganztagsangebote-index", PagePreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("wettbewerbe-index", PagePreview);
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("begabtenfoerderung-index", PagePreview);
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
var PagePreviewImage = ({ widgetFor, getAsset, entry}) => {
const [imageUrl, setImageUrl] = useState('');
const image = useMemo(() => entry.data.image, [entry.data.image]);
useEffect(() => {
let alive = true;
const loadImage = async () => {
const imageAsset = await getAsset(image);
if (alive) {
return () => {
alive = false;
}, [image]);
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
const divStyle = {
backgroundImage: 'url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png"),url("/media/backgrounds/page-title.png")',
return h('div', {},
h('section', {"className": "page-title-section overlay", "style": divStyle},
h('div', {"className": "row"},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "col-md-8"},
h('ul', {"className": "list-inline custom-breadcrumb"},
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('a', {"className": "text-primary font-secondary", href: ""}, "Startseite")
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item h2"},
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h("i", {"className": "fa-solid fa-angle-right text-white"})
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('li', {"className": "list-inline-item text-white h2 font-secondary"}, entry.data.title
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('p', {"className": "text-lighten"}, entry.data.description
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
h('section', {"className": "section-sm"},
h('div', {"className": "container"},
h('div', {"className": "row"},
h('div', {"className": "col-12 mb-4"},
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
h('img', {"className": "img-fluid w-100 mb-4", src: imageUrl}),
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-09 20:49:16 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("about-index", PagePreviewImage);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("blog", PagePreviewImage);
2022-11-05 14:14:47 +01:00
2022-11-04 18:30:02 +01:00