„layouts/shortcodes/gallery.html“ ändern

This commit is contained in:
2023-01-26 11:59:03 +01:00
parent 545922f8bf
commit ad5c71467b

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Documentation and licence at https://github.com/liwenyip/hugo-easy-gallery/
{{- $isimg := lower .Name | findRE "\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png|bmp|webp|avif|jxl)" }}<!-- is the current file an image? --> {{- $isimg := lower .Name | findRE "\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png|bmp|webp|avif|jxl)" }}<!-- is the current file an image? -->
{{- if and $isimg (not $isthumb) }} {{- if and $isimg (not $isthumb) }}
{{- $caption := .Name | replaceRE "\\..*" "" | humanize }}<!-- humanized filename without extension --> {{- $caption := .Name | replaceRE "\\..*" "" | humanize }}<!-- humanized filename without extension -->
{{- $linkURL := print $baseURL ($.Get "dir") "/" .Name | absURL }}<!-- absolute URL to hi-res image --> {{- $linkURL := print $baseURL "/" ($.Get "dir") "/" .Name | absURL }}<!-- absolute URL to hi-res image -->
{{- $thumb := .Name | replaceRE "(\\.)" ($thumbext | printf "%s.") }}<!-- filename of thumbnail image --> {{- $thumb := .Name | replaceRE "(\\.)" ($thumbext | printf "%s.") }}<!-- filename of thumbnail image -->
{{- $thumbexists := where $files "Name" $thumb }}<!-- does a thumbnail image exist? --> {{- $thumbexists := where $files "Name" $thumb }}<!-- does a thumbnail image exist? -->
{{- $thumbURL := print $baseURL ($.Get "dir") "/" $thumb | absURL }}<!-- absolute URL to thumbnail image --> {{- $thumbURL := print $baseURL ($.Get "dir") "/" $thumb | absURL }}<!-- absolute URL to thumbnail image -->