import { Card, TextField } from "./components/index.js"; const DownloadShortcode = { label: "Download-Karte", openTag: "{{< ", closeTag: " >}}", separator: " ", toProps: (args) => { if (args.length > 0) { var title = ""; var link = ""; const linkIndex = args.findIndex((arg) => arg.startsWith('link="')); const titleIndex = args.findIndex((arg) => arg.startsWith('title="')); for (let arg of args.slice(titleIndex, linkIndex)) { title += " " + arg.replaceAll("title=", "").replaceAll('"', ""); } for (let arg of args.slice(linkIndex)) { link += " " + arg.replaceAll("link=", "").replaceAll('"', ""); } return { title: title.trim(), link: link.trim() }; } return { title: "", link: "" }; }, toArgs: ({ title, link }) => { return [`title=\"${title}\"`, `link=\"${link}\"`]; }, control: ({ title, link, onChange }) => { return Card([ TextField({ label: "Titel", value: title, onChange: (event) => { onChange({ title:, link }); }, }), TextField({ label: "Download-Link", value: link, onChange: (event) => { onChange({ title, link: }); }, }), ]); }, preview: ({ title, link }) => { return h( "div", { className: "container mb-0" }, h( "div", { className: "card border-primary rounded-0 hover-shadow mb-5" }, h( "div", { className: "card-body mb-0" }, h( "h4", { className: "card-title" }, h("a", { className: "text-decoration-none", href: link }, title) ), h( "a", { className: "mb-0 btn btn-primary btn-sm text-decoration-none", href: link, }, h("i", { className: "mdi mdi-tray-arrow-down mb-0 me-2" }), "Download" ) ) ) ); }, }; export default DownloadShortcode;